Note from g.doodlez:
You've found the secret website! Congratulations!
This is just a little easter egg for those who are very curious as to who these characters are. Or rather, who this character is.
The five pictured here is actually just one girl, named Kiwi, as she appears over the many years I've developed her. As my interests changed, so did her appearance and personality.
Her designs depicted here aren't necessarily 1:1 to her original design at time of conception- for the purposes of this project, they've been redesigned to fit my current tastes and design preferences.
Below, I've included what her original designs looked like. It's a little embarrassing, but I think it's a good way to show my progress as an artist. Also, I was just a kid back then. Cut me some slack LOL
kw01: fighter
years active: c. 2012-13
creator's age at time of creation: 12
type: derivative
main color: red
personality: confident
一人称: 僕
bio: originally inspired by Note (Dragon Ball Heroes). in her original conception, she was a 12 year old saiyan girl. she is a strong and capable fighter, and most often chooses to solve problems with her fists.
reason for removal: changed interests.
extra notes:
- color palette was not defined back then, but I had always pictured her with a red bow (due to the source material). red/white/black palette was kept as a reference to Flipnote Studio, where I drew her for the first time.
(for context, the only usable colors in Flipnote are black/white/red/blue)
- since she was a saiyan, she used to have a tail. it's been omitted- instead, she now has a belt tied to her waist as a nod to that old design trait.
previous appearances:
kw02: idol
years active: c. 2013-14
creator's age at time of creation: 13
type: derivative
main color: purple
personality: bubbly
一人称: あたし
bio: originally inspired by Vocaloid. her original design was similar to Hatsune Miku and other derivatives from that time. she is bright and upbeat, and never misses a step. she was meant to have a UTAU voicebank recorded for her, but it never came to fruition.
reason for removal: changed interests.
extra notes:
- old design was WAY too similar to Hatsune Miku :/
like, she had the tie and the sleeves and everything
- gave her a cropped blazer and white gloves to keep that
"idol" feel.
previous appearances:
kw03: assassin
years active: c. 2014-16
creator's age at time of creation: 14
type: original
main color: red
personality: cold
一人称: ワタシ
bio: design was built upon kw02's, after interests waned. she is very reserved and quiet, unlike the others. weapons among her arsenal include a sniper rifle, dagger, and bombs. not much else was written about her.
reason for removal: too similar to an already existing character.
extra notes:
- at this point, she never had a cohesive design, so this current design is a combination of what I wanted her to be back then
- her personality and appearance was too similar to Kira, another character of mine, hence why this design was scrapped.
previous appearances:
kw04: king
years active: 2015-present
creator's age at time of creation: 14
type: alternate
main color: green
personality: energetic
一人称: 俺
bio: an alternate version that was created shortly after kw03; created for a school storytelling project. in this concept, she is a ruler of a kingdom and is always eager for adventure. she currently serves as an alternate version to kw05 and the two share near identical personalities. her special ability is fire (green).
reason for removal: N/A. still active
extra notes:
- the school storytelling project was meant to be a one-time thing, but I enjoyed the concepts so much that I continued drawing them.
- a lot of her personality was fleshed out here, so I kept it throughout. actually, the previous three designs didn't have much personality to them to begin with...
previous appearances:
kw05: captain
years active: 2019-present
creator's age at time of creation: 18
type: original
main color: red
personality: aggressive
一人称: 私
bio: in this concept, she resides in a universe where she is the captain of a heroes' squadron. she is one of the main characters in this story. she is confident in her abilities and is capable in combat, but her attacking style is often unpredictable. her power is fire (red). what is next in her story is currently unknown.
reason for removal: N/A. still active